Solar Plant With Cow Backup – Things Are Getting Interesting


It seems the California Public Utility Commission, has unveiled a plan to create solar power plants with cow based methane as a backup fuel. While this is not the first time we have covered the awesome power generation capacity of the lowly cow patty, it is the first time to my knowledge that is has been combined with a solar plant to produce round the clock power. Sort of reminds me of the natural gas/wind plant going up in the UK.

As more and more duel source power plants like this come online, as well as creative storage options become available, solar and wind plants will no longer be thought of as an intermittent power supply.

How’s this for green energy: The California Public Utilities Commission yesterday approved contracts for two 49.4-megawatt solar power plants that will use biogas made from cow manure as a backup fuel source. The plants will be located on 640 acres of alfalfa farmland in Southern California’s Imperial Valley and will provide electricity to San Diego Gas & Electric (SRE).(via)