Ask The Sietch – Global Warming And The Wind

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I got this one from the forums a couple of days ago.

Could you please elaborate on how exactly Global warming affects the wind causing changes in their patterns? I was unable to find a direct relationship between the two. I would be glad if you would let me know.
Thanks and Regards

Thanks for your question Sujata. Lets start by talking about where wind comes from. The earth is a complicated place, lots of factors and lots of forces making things go all day and all night. That’s part of the reason its so interesting to live here. There are some things however we have discovered over the years. You most likely already know that the earth is tiled slightly along its axis, and that it goes around the sun. This means that different parts of our planet get different amounts of sun light. Among other things this tilt and solar orbit cause the seasons. It also causes the wind.

Because of the tilt, and the seasons, different parts of the earth are warm and cold at different times. If one part of the earth is warm (say the equator) and another part is cold (say the north pole) the air at the equator will warm up, warm things rise, so the air will start to rise up towards the sky, at the same time however because the earth is turning and because the earths gravity keeps the warm air from flying into space that air will start to move, this is wind. Wind is actually stored up solar energy. If we build wind turbines to capture the wind and make energy, we are really capturing solar energy that has been transformed into wind energy.

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