Screw Miners We Need Coal

Bush has put the production of coal above the safety of coal miners. As is sadly demonstrated in the two recent mining disasters. They even went so far as to remove Clinton era safety regulations and then had the audacity to claim that resource production and “other priorities” took precedence. These budget cuts come at a time when coal prices have gone up 30% and led to huge profits for the coal industry. Sound like any other resource industry you know. /*hint OIL! hint*/ Once again the government has favored the big cooperation over the little guy to disastrous results. Is the death of miners and the death of soldiers worth our reliance on fossil fuels?

“These deaths, I believe, were entirely preventable, and we owe the families of these deceased and noble and great and brave men a hard look at what happened and why,” said Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va.
Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Ps., who chaired the hearing, noted that the budget for the Mine Safety and Health Administration has barely kept pace with inflation over the last decade, and that the agency has reduced its staff by 183 positions.