Dems 50 Rep 49 Cross Your Fingers

As of right now CNN is calling Montana for Tester…One seat away from controlling the house and the senate. I have been waiting for this day for a LONG time. It’s still too early to get excited but at least we can assume that the house and most of the Senate is in our hands.

To quote a wonderful man

“The Elephant is Dead.”
Bill Hicks

Poor Sad Rumsfeld :( Don’t worry Rummy you can always get a job at some think tank and spew out stupid crap for a whole lot more money. Too bad all the people you got killed with your failed war plan will never get the chance to do anything anymore.

Notice that now that the Democrats have taken control the races were “very close” or “highly contested” while in 2000 and 2004 it was all about America “expressing its will” or “demonstrating a mandate” funny how when the reps win its because the voters have spoken but when the Dem’s win it only a very close contested race, indicating that the country is divided.

The country is divided but when its divided and you win this does not mean you have a mandate. And when the country is divided and you lose that does not mean that the race was simply contested. It means that the political parties have moved away from the center. We need politicians that will work towards making this country a better place. Not a bunch of idiots that only care about getting re-elected. Lets hope.

I can only hope that the Dem’s realize that they have a chance here to show us how government is supposed to run. I want to see oversight, I want to see bipartisan workings, I want to see open and fair government. I do not want to see more power struggles more crazy rule changes to make the minority party have no say. We can not become monsters if we wish to defeat monsters. The Dem’s have to come up with their own play book they can not simply fall victim to all the same stupidity that got the republicans thrown out of office…