Monday Confessional

Ahhh! Smell that, that my friend is the smell of Clams. Quahogs to be specific. You might be wondering why you can smell such briny stinkyness, well its because I have spent all day weighing them, measuring them, shucking them, cutting them up, and getting them ready for placement on slides. Good solid stinky work.

We were participating in a study to find out how density and species of Quahog affects its susceptibility to QPX (quahog parasite unknown). First you weight and measure the clam, you then shuck it and look for the illness inside. Then you cut three slices of the clam and put them into a little plastic box called a cassett. This cassett was then put in a 10% formalin/seawater mix to fix. Later it will be injected with paraffin, and cut into super small slices and placed on slides.

us getting ready to cut
us cutting quahogs
Me and Tess

Interesting stuff, and did I mention stinky. In other non-stinktastic news things are going alright. I have gotten a couple side jobs to keep me in walking around money. The house seems to be running well and things are generally good all over. The only bad thing is that I can’t see Tess enough. Stupid space-time why do you have to keep me so far from my Tessy.

Speaking of Tess…
naked man

I am getting pretty excited about the mid-term elections coming up. Lets hope the Democrats can pull there collective heads out of there collective ass’ long enough to pull this thing off. You here that people VOTE VOTE VOTE, vote till they make you stop.