Trump Watch September 15 2017

Day 230:

The environment is what you depend on for life

Just remember, there is a FUCK LOAD of money to be made fighting climate change, but the people currently making money destroying the climate would prefer that they continue making all that money instead of shifting to another industry.

There is nothing technical stopping us from fighting this problem, its all political problems.

Which means that potentially the most important thing you can do to fight global warming is to vote out bad politicians and vote in better ones.

Further Reading:

I am Will Fisher, congressional candidate for TX-26 in DFW. I’m fighting for single-payer healthcare and running to unseat the doctor who authored the Obamacare repeal.

Donald Trump Says The Internet Must Be ‘Cut Off’ To Stop More Terror Attacks

California legislature passes bill requiring presidential candidates to release tax returns

Elizabeth Warren launches an investigation into the Equifax hack

Angry Right-Wingers Turn On Trump, Burn Their ‘Make America Great Again’ Hats

Sen. Al Franken blocks Trump’s racist judge and conservatives are flipping out

Trump lied about ‘voter fraud’ … now he wants to steal people’s votes

Trump: ‘I never even knew’ a Category 5 hurricanes existed

Pelosi during Trump dinner: ‘Do the women get to talk around here?’: report

Trump Humiliated Jeff Sessions After Mueller Appointment

Trump Again Compares White Supremacists, Protesters, Drawing Rebuke

Donald Trump launches ‘demented’ Twitter tirade after London Tube terror attack

Citing conspiracy theory, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher blames Democrats for Charlottesville violence: ‘It was a setup’

Democrats Ask: How Could Trump Have Nominated This Man for FEMA?

Trump calls for ‘larger, tougher’ travel ban in response to London attack

Senator Warren introduces Equifax bill; launches industry probe

Top Republican slams White House attacks on Comey: ‘Press secretaries don’t get to make that call’

Manafort spokesman to testify before grand jury Friday

North Korea missile launch: Russia condemns Trump administration’s ‘aggressive rhetoric’

GOP senator: ‘There is no realistic comparison’ between antifa and white supremacists

Trump defends white supremacists, demands apology from black woman who called him a bigot

Robert E. Lee statue comes down in Dallas

Mueller meets with House Judiciary chairman, top Democrat

Motel 6 says it will stop sharing guest lists with ICE

British officials: Trump response to London terror attack ‘unhelpful’


Tools of change:

Feel like this is all a bunch of bullshit?  Want to do something about it?

Calling your government representative:

Call your Senator
Call your House Rep (Or use this spreadsheet)
Call your Governor
Call your Attorney General
Or try this website
Fax Congress here (free!)

You can also use if you are having a hard time figuring out what to say.

Tell them in no uncertain terms that you want them to fight to stop Trump from doing these things. Tell them you will be watching them closely on how they vote, and will hold them accountable during the next election if they cave to Trump.  You can also call other states congress people and threaten to donate to their opponent if they don’t do what you want.

Phone Bank for Progressive Candidates:

Call the White House:


Call the “White House”:

Use this  website to call one of Trump’s many properties he has not put into a blind trust yet, and let them know how you feel (be polite, they are workers just like us, but be firm).

Do a little Slacktivism:

Send Some Text Messages for progressive causes (I know it says textforbernie, but its for a range of progressive candidates)  Or you can have your texts turned into faxes by the ResistBot

Go to a town hall and talk to your congress person in person:

Check when the next town hall is here

Monitor your congressperson:

Keep track of how your senator is voting on cabinet picks here, so you can call them up and give them hell if they vote for any of these worthless fuckers.

See how your elected representatives are voting for or against Trump.


Also be sure to keep track if you live in a district with an upcoming flip-able seat (flip to the left that is)

See if you have a special election in your area!

Is your mayor up for election?  Find out, get involved!

Upcoming house votes:

Upcoming senate bills:

Monitor Trumps Conflict of Interests:

From CNN of all people.

The Atlantic

General Guides:

Guidelines by former Congress staffers on how to get Congress to listen.

Run For Office!:

Want to run for office in your area to fight back, check this out for positions that are open in your area, how to register, and what you need to do to win office!

Remove the Corporate Democrats!:

Join the fight to clean out the democratic party:  Justice Democrats!

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