One thought on “Oh Canada”

  1. hydroelectrid power without dams can be had anywhere there is enouh flow to power a tubine/generator using 2 laws of Physics, that water seeks its own level, and that gravity increases its speed/force as it falls. Thus, if water enters a large enough tube following the land sufrace, then turns vertically to a point just lower than where it entered, and drops from there to a funnel entering what normally is the exit orifice of a centrfugal pump, it will spin it if there`s enough height, from where the water falls, to give 3600 rpms, 60 hz. Honduran engineers told me 11 m. of fall, somewhere on Google said 40m. Whatever, the force of gravity transfers to the force of motion. If it is to be introduced to a grid, phase adjustment is necessary, if used directly by a village, no. The intake has to be be protected from floating objects, and a chamber has to be put in soon after the entrance to allow the water to slow and drop particulate material that would erode the impeller. No dams, flooded land.

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