Alright, maybe it is just a combination of little steps before I begin to feel more green then guilt. For instance, I have made efforts to be more conscious of what I am purchasing. In general, I am trying to shop at locally owned stores/chains. Also, I wonder if in most cases my online purchases are more eco-friendly versus driving to find the purchase of choice. This of course helps to reduce the miles on my poor car…yet does not necessarily add them to my body. Walking more is definitely a new goal (side thought…seems as this post is leaning towards lent in the wake of Fat Tuesday) after such a lovely experience a few weeks back. Yes, walking more will definitely be an improvement to my lifestly in general.
Returning to purchases, I have for a few years now been proudly purchasing my toothbrushes from a truly unique recycler. Recycline has a lot of cool items that you can purchase that are made of plastics that have been recycled, mostly from Stonyfield yogurt cups (another brand that I am quite fond of, who could say no to a cute cow face?). The handles really do offer quite a bold statement of color as you massage that plaque away, staring yourself down in the bathroom mirror.

And back to the shower, I received a very Earth conscious gift from a dear friend of mine last Christmas. She considers herself to be quite green and is definitely gearing up to storm the building industry in the near future with her ideas on green building design. In her spare time, she is constantly trying to find products that are safer to not only the environment but to our “own” environment, our very bodies. If you are near to a Trader Joe’s, then you will also be able to buy the shampoo I received from her. It seems that many body cleansers, perfumes, etc. have chemicals in them that are quite harmful to women. After spending the past few moments searching and searching for the best list to link to, I think I will have to post an update at a later time.
Happy blogging fellow Sietchers…