Renewable Energy Roundup

I know you all were heartbroken that last Thursdays round up didn’t happen. It just so happens I was taking a bit of vacation to recharge my batteries, and I was not around to round anything up. I apologize, but to make up for it I have gathered some renewable energy news that feel through the cracks this week and have presented them here for your enjoyment, so without further waiting lets go!

Ever wanted to have your own portable solar powered messenger bag? Well you can built it yourself for under 50 bucks pretty nice.

bacteria removes co2

Who knew the same bacteria that makes you get food poisoning may hold the key to removing co2 from the atmosphere, meet our new friend and ally in the fight against global warming e coli.

Israel is taking steps towards becoming a leader in the solar industry. They plan on creating more than 5000 new jobs in the renewable energy industry.

Big brown is going green, UPS is starting to use biodiesel in their fleet of trucks in Kentucky.

What do you do if you can’t get your offshore wind farm up and running because of NIYMBY pressure from the rich, simple you build a giant underwater cable to Main to get their renewable power.

GE is investing a lot of money into the wind industry, a lot.

It seems New Yorkers are willing and ready to pay more for energy so long as it comes from renewable sources.