The Old Bait And Switch, Bush Cuts Funding For Renewable Energy Lab

bush at NREL

Fool me once shame on me, fool me… we can’t..we have been fooled again. After promising support for renewable energy our illustrious leader has proposed a cut in funding for the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL). After promising a 20% reduction in fuel use through renewable sources, Bush promptly proposed a raise in funding for fossil fuels and nuclear development, while at the same time proposing a 3% budget cut for NREL. You may remember last year Bush visited the NREL labs in Golden Co. His visit was marred by the fact that many workers at the lab had been laid off just prior to his arrival.

At this point you might be recalling the “healthy forest act” or the “clean skies initiative” or the “weapons of mass destruction” sound bites of years past. It seems that this administration is up to its old tricks again. Say one thing, do another. How can Bush hope to meet renewable energy goals without renewable energy research? (by the way, we are nearing a trillion dollars spent on Iraq)

Of course without the rubber stamp congress that we have had in the past it is unlikely that this budget will remain the way it is. It is far more likely that Democrats in the house and senate will reorder budgetary priorities to reflect the changing interest of the American people. People would much rather replace our use of oil with clean renewable energy, than fight wars for more. I know I would rather see a wind turbine than a Tomahawk missile.

Over the next couple of weeks our elected represenatives will be hashing out the budget. Why don’t you give them a call and let them know that renewable energy funding is important to you and that you would like them to make sure its in the budget for next year.

3 thoughts on “The Old Bait And Switch, Bush Cuts Funding For Renewable Energy Lab”

  1. Your optimism is bold, albeit misplaced. Witness what happened in the Senate when steps were taken to reduce the Surge in Iraq. This was American lives and dollars going to protect oil interests. The small concessions to be made in the eventual budget will be pork barrel concessions for key districts for more political show while the sham of representing the Public Interest goes on.

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