77 thoughts on “All In Perspective”

  1. Excellent pics a very good visual aid. It’s really hot in the Stumbleverse at the moment so I presume you’re getting stumbled on like crazy.

  2. the universe so very large and we are so very small and insignificant. I know that may sound nihilistic but the point I’m trying to make is that in our tiny short lives we should not complain about trivial matters but instead look at the more important problems.

  3. Hey that is a really nice comparisson (and site). I think I jsut better go ahead and add you to my bookmarks. Hope you don’t mind if I borrow a picture and traceback to your post?

    also you may want to check out http://paradineshift.wordpress.com/2006/07/26/worldprocessor/

    There is a link there to World Processor, a good historical representation of many things on earth, using different texture maps over the earth. For example, You can see the mountains of 3rd world debt, as well, 3d mountains rising above the geographical land mass.

    Nice blog.

  4. Antares is HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP HUGE!!! If the world were as big as Antares, I wonder how long it would take to circle it by plane. Probably years o_O

  5. what if a piece between serius and sun escapes towards us? i think i should stop programming and start living a proper life enjoying our small beautifull planet!

  6. Fascinating pictures! I knew that the Sun was bigger than Earth but to compare them like that is amazing – it’s like comparing a pea (Earth) to a basketball (the Sun)!

  7. Hiya, yes, I did post a link regarding to these amazing images – from the title of the post. Although I noticed it links to the home page here. But I’ll edit it to link to the exact page. Thanks for notify and thanks for those images. =P

  8. Wow! The earth is so small. It still amazes me that we, the people that inhabit this planet, still can’t see the real picture, a true perspective of our existence. Why can’t we all just… get along?

    Thanx for the reality check.

  9. Yeah I learned that a long time ago. It’s called “Our Universe” by National Geographic. Check it out. It was my favorite book, 17 years ago.

  10. Hi! I saw this comparision some time ago while researching material for my son´s first grade planets project. Still it staggers my imagination everytime I see it.

    How big are the pieces of land that we are fighting for in so many parts of the world, again?

  11. @ Bish

    The pieces of land are pretty small in the grand scheme of things. But I would say they’re a mite more fertile and valuable to a human than a plot 1 million times the size on say antares, or even mars…

  12. I have some requests:
    1) Could you do them in 24-bit colour with nicer text labels
    2) Render them at high resolution (3000 x 1600 or so)
    3) Donate them to the Wikipedia project (or donate the original 3D model files)

  13. Allah birdir, hersey ona muhtactir, dogmamis ve dogrulmamistir. Hicbir sey onun dengi degildir. O herseyden munezzehtir.

    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
    [1] Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;

    [2] Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

    [3] He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

    [4] And there is none like unto Him.

  14. wonderful! I knew that the earth is smaller than sun.but now i have come to know that sun is also very small when compared to many other stars.I realise that the size does not matter, it is the heart & purpose(usefulness) that matters! We too though small in size can have big HEARTS.

  15. Ааану-ка ребятки голосуем!!!

    Признмватйесь прокапзники и владельцы сайта http://www.blog.thesietch.org ))))

    ЧТО вы будюете елать этим летоми?!

  16. Hey! its the second time I m commenting
    The big ball(sun)
    The small ball (earth)
    With other beautiful balls( other celestial bodies)
    All were happy
    The sun standing still
    And others roamingaround it
    Was seen in thesiet.

  17. wow god thanks for stopping by, but if you keep spamming this site, I will be forced to contact the good people at RIPE and let them know you are abusing their network connection. You might be god, but I have your IP address :)

  18. Hi,
    I keep returning to this site just to view these objects but this is the first time I have been compelled to reply. Observing this information is dumbfounding, almost.
    At this point in time science has deduced that the Universe they can imagine is all there is BUT one must consider that it is within something, Space, and no one knows how large Space is.
    The Big Bang theory states that matter of some sort exploded and brought us to where we are today.
    Has it ever occurred to anyone that two or more objects may have collided, and that collision brought about our Universe?
    So science can’t see, or imagine, objects beyond their present scope, and therefore they don’t exist.
    I contend that they do exist we are just not able to use our present technologies to see them.
    If one is to imagine that objects so massive; say on the scale of our moon to Antares or lager objects,, colliding the output would be horrendous. That would create a Universe.
    That’s my two cents.

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