Too Much Rain Over Paradise

So it seems as if every tropical storm is going to turn into a hurricane this year. This is not good for the residents of coastal cities and states. But it may be good for the earth. Now before you go off about how I am a horrible person let me finish. If ten hurricanes hit Florida every year for the next four or five years, I think you will be seeing a lot of people who never cared much about global warming wake up and smell the coffee. How can Jeb stand in front of the people of his state and spew the same old tired party line about how global “climate change” is not definite and we need to research more and blah blah blah. There would be a mob of homeless hurricane victims at his door in no time.

When I was little my mother told me not to touch the stove because it was hot, and it would burn me. Like all little kids I was an idiot and went right ahead and touched it anyway. Well let me tell you I don’t touch hot stoves anymore. The same might be true for the red state voters. None of us want people to get hurt, but if the only way for people to wake up to the dangers of global warming is to have there fingers burned, well… Of course there is another option. We could listen to our mothers, who know best, and do something about global warming before Florida is scoured flat by hurricanes and Louisiana is under water.